Haha I was having a Twilight Zone moment there for a minute. I thought to myself didn't I read this yesterday?
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Find Family Happiness ... NOT!
by jp1692 inthe other day my wife and i were in sonoma.
we were just walking around enjoying the pleasant afternoon in the quaint, old downtown area when i saw two jw women standing by their “witnessing cart.” .
normally, i just ignore them whenever i see jws standing by a cart, but i gotta admit it: this time it really bugged me because of the title on the cart: find family happiness.
Personal opinions spouted from the platform?
by purrpurr inhave you ever heard some brothers own ideas and opinions spouted from the platform?
perhaps off brand or crazy ones?
some that i've heard is:.
cha ching
So sad, Totally ADD... a very cruel world this WT has painted.
The music that goes through my head when I am at the Kingdom Hall!
by UnshackleTheChains inhttps://youtu.be/xvsrm80wzzk.
cha ching
Good one! Unshackle the Chains! I think so too!
$5.5 Million to be transferred to World Wide Work from Assembly Hall fund
by Sour Grapes ina letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
cha ching
So what is the "crowd" saying about that Sour Grapes? That is a LOT of money.... and even tho it's not technically (now) "theirs", I'll bet they feel it was..... (PS, are you voting "no"?) ;-)
2 BOE's-2018-February-2 Circuit Overseer Names!
by Atlantis incorrespondence sent to branch office.
branch departments as recipients of correspondence.
cha ching
'First of all, does your letter include the names surnames, the congregations of all these elders?'
Wow! What audacity! (Pretty soon it will be fingerprints, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, blood sample)
Does "the service desk" EVER write it's names on the correspondence?
Nope! It's code! SDK:SSM (This SSM isn't even their initials, it is a code for who is working the service desk that day.)
They never put their own names on correspondence.
Where are their balls?
Keeping Good Records.
by Lost in the fog inhave you seen this in the news tonight?
cha ching
I found an old RV book that I had and I started reading through the notes and it was kind of creepy!
Sister may have had a slight heart attack, do I text her?
by Xanthippe inso my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
cha ching
Good for you, Xanthippe! Your sister will find your love hard to forget, you reached out FIRST!
'The videos are helping the young people.'
by Magnum insome time ago a super-dub stopped by to try to encourage me to return to jw land.
my demeanor during our conversation was extremely serious.
i was polite, but dignified.
cha ching
Maybe magnum, just maybe, he was giving you a secret hint (so he wouldn't get in trouble) that (like stuckinarut said) "it's helping us see how stupid this is and leave"!!!
Using Watchtowers Own Reasoning Against Them RE: The Governing Body
by pale.emperor insomething occurred to me today.
quite randomly as i was working away at my desk i remembered an illustration from the bible teach book in which satan claimed he knew better than jehovah about ruling mankind.
here's the illustration from chapter 11 of that book:.
cha ching
Good one, PE! perfect for cart witnessing!
Lately, the scripture "Always learning, yet never coming to an accurate knowledge of truth" keeps appealing to me, especially in reference to this 'new generation' thing.
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
cha ching
I agree with JW GoneBad If you didn't know what you were doing before this, you know what to do NOW! ;-}